I go walking in my crib

Rebekah is in this cute stage where she loves to pull herself up and stand in her crib. It is funny. She loves to stand and walk around her crib and she thinks that she is hot stuff for doing that :) Our Rebekah is adorable!
She realized that when we put her down for a nap and she is still not ready for her nap she can walk around her crib. We hear her squeal or talk to herself. Sometimes she will go to her little music box that is attached to her crib and turn it on and off :) Other times she will cry hard and when we find her she is standing there wailing away :) There are times when we will just find her in her crib standing and as soon as she sees us will give us a BIG grin and this melts our hearts :) The bad thing is that sometimes she bonks her head hard when she loses her balance. This I don't like. Poor child!
I am not sure what I should do...Whether I should just let her bonk her head or try to do something about it?? Please ideas...anyone? :)
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