Good News Club

Yesterday was the first day to have the kids in our neighborhood over at our house and it went really well. The doorbell started ringing early in the afternoon:) The wanted to know if they could wear they pj's and wanted to let us know that they would be at our house at 6:59 p.m :) It was so cute and really encouraging. The kids were anxious to come over to learn and have fun.
When they arrived we asked them what they were most excited about? They mostly said that they were just excited to be at our house with us! One of the girls said that she was excited to learn about God.

Matt started off with Genesis 1! The creation of the world. Matt had prepared in the morning and the Lord gave him an idea on how the evening would go. As Matt read, the kids would draw what happened the 1st day and so on. It was a God idea because it kept them really interested and they loved drawing. So I am attaching a picture of what it looked like when it was finished. I was so proud of Matt! He did a beautiful job teaching the kids. He is definitely a teacher!
After we were done some of the kids helped me make chocolate shakes, some drew pictures, and some watched Veggietales. Then they had their treat and played some more. Before they had to leave we all had a time of prayer.

It was a wonderful day and we thank God and praise Him for what He did! Rebekah enjoyed it too! She had fun watching all the kids and being held and loved by them.
This coming Saturday Matt and I are going to a one day seminar where they will teach us more on how to effectively teach children about the Lord. We are excited! Please pray for us.
The organization is called Child Evangelistic Fellowship. You can go to their website at
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