A Legal Alien :)

I have lived in the U.S. for about 10 years now. wow! That's a long time. I came here to go to college, and ended up marrying and staying here.
I miss Honduras! I miss my family, friends, food, and some things about the culture. Even though I have lived in the states for 10 years I still don't feel like I belong here. The weird thing is that when I visit Honduras, I don't feel like I belong there either :) Many things have changed! You see, there are things about both cultures and places that I like and don't like.
I love my family and most of them live in Honduras. Sometimes I feel pretty lonely because I want to share my life with them and it is hard to do that when you live far away...countries away :) I love how Hondurans view family...it is important and it is a central part of people's lives. I remember growing up around family and we would get together every Sunday to have lunch and hang out. Hondurans talk a lot :) Well...at least my family does. They love to sit around and talk about anything and everything. It seems like it is a slower paced culture. People don't seem to be in a hurry all the time. I miss that. I love being around the humble and the poor. They are the BEST! They really are! They are so loving, selfless and loyal. They are hard working people with servant hearts. It is so beautiful to see. I love the simplicity in which people live there. Most people don't have all that we have, but they seem so much happier than most Americans. I might be romanticizing this too much, but it's how I remember it. I love to dance and oh boy do they love to dance :) It is part of who we are...los latinos! We shake it :) I miss having help around the house, especially now with a baby that would be nice.
What I like about living in the States is that there is an order to things. There are rules to follow and they are enforced. I can drive peacefully :) Try driving in Honduras :) Survival of the fittest! There is a peace or a security that this country offers. I love the friendships I have made here! I have met some of the most wonderful people here. I like my house and my husband is AMAZING!!!(Matty added this...that boy :) It's true though. Matty added that too :) I love how you can buy a shake at Sonic or wherever and if you don't like it, you can ask for a different flavor and they will not charge you for it! Now that's customer service :) In Honduras you want another one, you buy another one. I am also amazed at how clean and pretty the Americans keep their cities and roads. I guess I like order, huh?
Oh well...this is getting long and I need to hit the sack!
Hmm, I wonder if the Sonics down here would give you the new shake. I'm not so sure. But, then again, we are a little bit closer to Honduras down here ;).
I would at least try it :) I am sure they would :)
I am telling you...these gringos are amazing :)
You don't know me from Eve, (I read Tank's blog sometiems, but she doesn't know me either) but I was just in Honduras recently. My son works in San Pedro Sula with a Christian relief agency. My husband and I visited him for 10 days in July. We had a great time. And those baleadas (did I spell that right?) were yummy! If you want to see some of my photos of Honduras, look here and following.
I completely understand the no fitting in when here yet not in Horduras either. I have a house in Mexico and miss it sooooo very much. When I am there, I feel at home but it's still not America. However when I am here in the US, I miss Mexico so much it almost hurts...Best of luck with your family. Your page is great! I found you via Tank...
I'm a native of the U.S., but the older I get as a Christian the less I feel at home here. I think we're all longing for Heaven but looking for a home on this earth. I've come to the conclusion that only Heaven will really feel like home!
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