The Anticipation

One of my husband's traits is that he plans ahead for the future and I really like that about him. He makes sure that we plan ahead so that we can be at peace and not fret when the unexpected happens. Matty is a great steward of our finances. We have been planning our trip to Honduras (X-mas of 2006) since January of 2006 and therefore have been saving up for it. Oh let me tell you, it is a wonderful thing to see our account growing as we approach our anticipated trip :)
In spite of all the planning there are many things out of our control or things that we did not expect. It is God's way of letting us know that we have to trust Him and let Him be in control. It is our way of leaning on Him. I do believe though that we have to be faithful and do our part (planning and saving up), but ultimately it is His provision and faithfulness that will get us there.
We are so excited to be able to go to Honduras for Christmas. My last Christmas in Honduras was 4 years ago! That's a LONG time :) I look forward to the big family get-togethers, the loud and busy house, the food :), being able to meet susana and see the Arevalos and all of our friends. We also might be able to have our 10 year high-school reunion while we are there. A classmate from school contacted me and we are planning on making it happen! It will be such a blessing to be able to see my classmates and be able to share Christ with them as the opportunities arise. I am looking forward to fireworks and the joyful faces of kids. It's very different there because the poor (or most children) don't expect to get anything for x-mas and so they are filled with joy and gratitude even with the simplest gift or toy--at least this has been my experience. It is so beautiful and humbling to see. I love it!
Comment: That's a picture of our (matty and I) 1st x-mas tree. Now we will have a little stinker to share x-mas with! It will be so much fun :)
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