Great is Thy faithfulness...indeed!
As I write this post we have 2 1/2 weeks before we head down to Honduras! Very exciting indeed:) Time has gone by way too fast, but the Lord is so faithful. We cannot thank Him enough for who He is and for what He has done in this very short time.
The Lord has provided abundantly and beyond for all of our needs to be able to stay in Honduras for those four months. Some of the things that He has done are the following:
1. He has provided all the money that we had budgeted for our trip
2. The company that Matt works for, tac, decided to pay for Matt's Spanish school in Honduras! What an enormous blessing!
3. We have a couple who will be leasing our home while we are in Honduras. This couple is actually moving to Honduras in October to do medical mission work and it is a wonderful provision for them as well. A huge answer to prayer!!! God is so good!
These are just a few of the things that our Lord has done so far. We believe that God will do amazing things in and through us in Honduras that have much more eternal value. God continues to show us His clear direction and provision as we move forward with this. We are so at peace and filled with joy as we walk in obedience.
This trip has taught us so much, obedience, waiting on the Lord, faith...and we are looking forward to the things He will teach us while we are down there as well. Please pray for us as we make that step of faith. Pray for protection, health, for the Lord to use us in mighty ways as we live and share His Truth, for our girls and us to adjust well and to be flexible.
Thank you so much for all who have been praying with us through all of this. The Lord has definitely answered prayers! Thank you also to those who have blessed us with unexpected gifts that the Lord has used to encourage and confirm His will and plan for our lives. We love you all so much!
Here are some of the latest pictures of our girls too...enjoy

On Mother's Day holding my little girl

Esther loves to be in her Moby Wrap or sling (Thanks Michawn for the advertisement...I love my Moby and Esther loves it too :))

Esther on the move :)

Rebekah imitates everything I do. Since I carry Esther in the sling...she also wants to carry her animals in the sling too...too cute! She also puts her animals underneath her shirt and pretends that she also has a Moby wrap ;)

"Fishing" with papa at a church picnic

Rebekah loves her papa...they have lots of fun together and her papa teaches her so many things. She usually wakes up in the mornings saying, "where is my papa?" and when I tell her that he is at work she usually says, "he needs to come home" :) They have a special bond.

Rebekah and Esther in the crib...Esther not too excited about it as you can tell ;)

Our little Esther is getting bigger each day. She is so sweet!

Rebekah having fun and loving life!
Mom and dad meeting their new grandbaby:)