Our four month adventure...
I think it all started when Matt returned from Colombia this past year. The Lord put it in his heart to pursue language school. Matt knows a lot of Spanish already, but is not completely fluent. It has always been a dream of his (ever since I met him) to be completely fluent in Spanish. He started doing research for language schools in all of Central and South America.
Some things needed to be in place before we could go. One of those things was for us to be debt free. The Lord helped us work hard for four years to get rid of our debt and so we have been debt free(except our mortgage) for about a year and were able to save a lot more because of that. We were also waiting for God's perfect timing for this whole ordeal to take place.
Things are actually rolling right now and it is pretty exciting. We feel lots of peace and we are just waiting on some details to iron out.
This is what we have so far:
-a school for Matt in La Ceiba, Honduras
-the dates that we are thinking about leaving and coming back (June 7th-September 28th)
-Matt sent out a Leave of absence proposal to his boss and it has been approved
-a budget for our trip
-willing hearts to be used of God in any way that He desires while we are in Honduras those 4 months :)
Things that we are waiting for:
-How our house situation will work out. Since Matt will not receive income for three of those four months that we will be in Honduras and since we have not paid off our house yet, this is our biggest "obstacle." We know that the Lord will work this out. We are waiting on Him to see how :) It really is exciting stuff! Our God is good and powerful and our hope is in Him. I will keep you posted.
-We will also need to get the baby a passport since we are planning to leave only about 6 weeks after baby is born. Our due date is April 24th...so it is close.
It is exciting and crazy at the same time :) Keep us in your prayers as we wait on the Lord to work all this out and as we head down to Honduras as well. It will be quite the adjustment especially with two kiddos but we are looking forward to spending time with family and friends. We are also looking forward to the opportunities we will have to share Christ with them and be able to hopefully reflect Christ through our lives. Our Lord be glorified!
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