It was only April 7th... 2-1/2 weeks before the due date. The whole time I kept asking myself and the Lord, "could this really be it?"
Sunday night I felt a little uncomfortable...more than usual. I did not think anything of it though. I went to bed and woke up at about 11:00 p.m. with some abdominal cramps. I slept through most of it but at 1:00 a.m. I woke up because I needed to go #2 :) I stayed up because I realized that I was having actual contractions. I went to the living room and put on my birth CD and read my Bible and prayed. I did not wake Matty up because I was not sure whether I was in labor or not. The house was a mess since we had been cleaning and organizing so there was lots of stuff everywhere.
I went to the bathroom a second time and afterwards I decided to clean up some of the mess. I thought, "maybe this is it" and I just could not believe it. I just kept thinking,
"I am SO not ready."
Matty woke up at about 2 or 2:30 and I told him that I thought I was in labor. He started timing my contractions and at that moment they were about 2 1/2 minutes apart. I was so busy getting the house in order that the contractions did not really feel that strong. Matt wanted to call Renee, who would be staying with Rebekah, and Ashley who would be going with us to the hospital but I told him to wait. I wanted to make sure that it was not false labor. Finally after I got things organized a bit, the contractions got stronger and I realized that this was it. I told him to call the girls.

I decided to get in the shower and that felt pretty good. I came out of the shower and heard Renee arriving. Ashley came right after, as I was laying down to rest for a little bit. Matt and Ashley were coming in and out to assist me. They were also getting the car ready to take me to the hospital. I went to the bathroom on more time and Matty was there with me and I had a pretty strong contraction and felt a desire to push...I did not tell Matty that I wanted to push (did not want to scare the poor guy:)) but I told him, "we need to go to the hospital."

Everything was loaded in the car, but I wanted to pray for Rebekah before I left. So I went into her room and prayed for her. I then headed to the living room and sat down as I felt another strong contraction. Renee and Ashley were there cheering me up through this contraction and then they prayed for me. After that, we loaded up and headed to the hospital.
Going to the hospital was fairly relaxing. I did not have any contractions and Shane and Shane were on the radio playing some really wonderful worship music. God is so good. I felt his love and comfort at that moment. I knew that He was right there with me and that He was going to get me through it.
We arrived at the hospital and the nurses were really nice and they kept asking me annoying questions like, "so, what brought you here today?" I almost laughed but I didn't. I was still pretty humorous...I just said, "um, contractions?" They were taking their time, I think because I was doing pretty well and they did not think I was in serious labor. Finally the nurse checked my cervix and she had this expression in her face like, OH MY...she said, "there is no cervix to feel. You are complete!" I could not believe it myself either! She asked me if I wanted to push and I told her, "not yet!" I just remember her just bragging on me and cheering me on..."you are doing amazing" and then she said, "you will be the talk of hospital this week" :) I was encouraged. God is so faithful.

I was then taken to the delivery room where there were tons of nurses and a weird doctor since they said my doctor might not be able to make it on time. This was a bit frustrating since they wanted to put an IV in me and strap the monitor on my belly and do all kinds of weird stuff. They were talking quietly to themselves about different drugs, etc. I told them that I did not want an IV and so after a couple of times of me insisting, they finally said OK. I started praying that the doctor would make it there on time. I knew that he would do as I told him since we had talked about having a natural birth and he is such an amazing doctor. God is good in that I really had no desire to push even though I was already complete.

Just as my doctor walked in the door my water broke! I was SO relieved!!! as soon as my water broke my body knew exactly what to do and I was so ready to push. I had one contraction and several pushes and there came Esther! I was relieved at how fast it went. My doctor was super! He coached me through the whole pushing stage so that I would not tear and I did not tear at all!!! That was a HUGE blessing. We were so thrilled to meet our little baby girl. Another sweet girl! How exciting!
Esther was 4 lb 15 oz and 17 inches long. She was tiny but h

ealthy and strong. She breastfed immediately after delivery and stayed with me for a long time. When we were ready, the nurse took her and got her all cleaned up. She stayed with me almost the whole time at the hospital. The morning we were to bring her home, I had a court date to become a US citizen (post forthcoming). Because Essie's pediatrician was late in checking Essie out, we had to leave her there to go to the oath ceremony. We returned to the hospital a couple of hours later and brought her home with us. She is thriving! At her two week appointment she weighed 6 lb 4 oz. She is doing great. She is a good baby! She sleeps pretty good at night so I am able to get some sleep. She is truly precious.
Rebekah is doing well. She is adjusting and she struggles at times. She is sweet to Esther but not too involved with her yet. She seems more defiant these days and more in need of attention, but overall we are proud of her and thankful to the Lord for helping her adjust.