Words cannot even describe...

How thankful I am for my marriage to the finest man on this earth! As of today, we have been married for four years and I will say that they have been the best four years of my life! I feel so honored and blessed to be married to Matty.

Before knowing our Lord I looked for love in all the wrong places and people. I was s
When I shared my past with Matt, I was truly shocked at his warmth response and love for me. I did not understand how someone who hardly knew me would embrace me like he did. Not only did he do that, but that summer he was the first person who actually reached out to me so that my healing process would start to take place. I hope to share my whole testimony one of these days. The Lord used Matt in my life since the moment I met him. I was a babe in Christ when I met him with a zeal that God had placed in my heart and that's it! I had nothing much to offer. God started the process through wonderful people that the Lord placed in my life and Matt is one of them. Ever since I met Matty he has showed me God's unconditional love. He treats me like a princess and now he is the same way with REB. When I think of Matt, I cannot think of anyone better for me. He is God's perfect provision for me and as time goes by I see that even more and love him even more. Matty is not perfect and none of us are either, but he is God's perfect man for me!
Lord, my

Gee Dots... ;) I thank God for you! I will love you FOREVER!!!!
all my love,
Awww. Lidia...this is such an amazing testimony of God's faithfulness to us! Even while we were still in sin...He had our plans laid out. I too am amazed at the husband God gave me. I still feel so honored.
This is a song by one of our frieds that so describes my life and yours...Love you, Nicole
You poured out your love
when I was ungodly
you were thinking of me
You showed me your love
While i was still in sin
You gave up your life
Who can fathom it
Who can explain it
But that's who you are
that is a mystery
the God who made it all
would be mindful of me
That's who you are
That's who you'll always be
The God with a heart
Knows me by name
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