I don't think I have shared much about Matty's side of the family, but just like Matty is my better half so are they! I remember that first Thanksgiving dinner we had after we got married and we were going around the table telling each other what we were thankful for and my first thought was how grateful I was to have such a wonderful and God-fearing family! I still feel this way. Matty's parents are so amazing and have raised four servants who are loving and solid believers. Mom, I admire you so much for raising such a beautiful family. I see how Matt is with me and REB and with everyone and it is so beautiful and I just think the world of you and dad for raising such a fine young man! He is the finest man I have ever met!!!!! You guys did a

wonderful job! You both have supported us always, and yet have always been reserved in allowing us to make the decisions trusting God to lead us to make the right choices and praying for us always. Thank you!

Alex(Matt's oldest brother) and Beth have four great kids who LOVE to have FUN!!! They are so active and fun and full of energy and I love that about them :) They make me feel right at home :) They love Aunt Lidia's dance lessons and they love "kita"(we call Rebekah kita some times) as well. Alex is a pastor of a church in Holdrege and he and Bet

h are both wonderful parents too. I have learned a lot from Beth because she is so open to share her joys and struggles and it makes me feel like it's OK to have the different feelings and emotions that mamas have. Thank you Beth! I love you!
Liz(Matt's sister) and Gary are insane :) They have two sweet little girls and they are adorable and sweet and everything nice you can think of! We hardly spend time with them because they live so far away, but when we do, it is always full of laughter and joking. Gary and Liz are both quite the jokesters. They are so much fun and such good parents too.

Angelina is one of the finest and most godly girls I have met. She is fun, smart, has a beautiful voice, laid back and beautiful girl inside and out. She is quite the catch!!!! What impresses me most about Angie is her love for the Lord and her desire to be obedient to Him. I love you Angelina and miss you so much:)

Last but not least is Grandpa!!!! When I first met Matty and met his family I fell in love with Grandpa. He sold me on the family! He is one of those amazing people who makes everyone feel special. He usually says to me, "your are my favorite Honduran in Tulsa" or he will say to Matt, "your are my favorite grandson in Tulsa" or "your are the best engineer that I know." Every time he says it, he really means it and it makes one feel super special.
Lidia, I love you too! You are a special gift to the Brodine family. We are all blessed to have a sister like you. I miss you.
Dearest Lidia,
I feel so humbled and blessed by your comments about our family. But yon know, it's mostly all the Lord's doing! He is so faithful, and if there is anything worthy of praise in us, it must be Him. We love you so much and are blessed everyday to have you in our family and to know you're loving Matt and Reb SO WELL!!!!
Hope to see you soon.
I love you mom and Beth! I am so blessed by both of you and the whole Brodine clan :) I loved your response mom. It is neat because that is how I really see you and dad...humble, obedient and lovers of our Lord! You are a wonderful example for all of us to follow.
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