Consistency and Priorities

There are so many things that I love about Matt, but as I was putting Rebekah down for her nap today I was thinking about our Good News Club last night. One of those things that I love so much about him was evident last night.
We had one girl show up to our Good News Club. We waited and knocked on the other kids doors, but they were not home. My first thought was, well, we will have to cancel since only one kid showed up. I was wrong :) Matt's response was to go ahead with the study as he said, "Rebekah (the girl that showed up) your are just as important as all the other kids...if it's ok with you, we will do the study with you." She agreed to say and so so we did the lesson with just her. We worked on the memory verse for a while and explained it to her and then we talked about the lesson by refering to other Bible verses. At the end, her and I ended up having a really good conversation about God's will, how we can know His will and what are things that we know for sure about God's will. We had a great talk. We then had our snack and prayed for specific things she wanted us to pray about. It was a special time.
Her mom called today and left the most encouraging message for us about how Rebekah so enjoyed meeting with just us and told her, "it was like having my own Bible mentors all to myself." I realize how important consistency is and how important it is to take time to teach even if it's just one person...because God sent us just Rebekah so that we could minister to her. I thank God for Matt and for his willingness to do the study when it would have been easier to have a restful evening!
Something else about Matt truly blesses my heart and makes me so grateful to have such a commited husband. Last year he was offered a great position at a company that was really about to explode in growth and so he was going to be able to have a huge profit share when the company sold. It would have been great for his career and for us financially. But, with companies like this, they really need people who will work a lot...above what they would normally work. When he was interviewed the 3rd time or so by the guy who would be his boss he asked Matt whether he would be willing to work extra hours and Matt respectfully told him that he would work hard but that his family was more important and that he was not willing to work after hours or weekends. Matt thinks that this is the main reason why he did not get the job...that and of course the Lord not leading us to do this.
I am so grateful to have someone who puts us first! Who desires to see our family grow and be a part of it, than to make lots of money and forsake his family. Thanks babe! You bless my heart in so many ways. You are such a wonderful dad and husband!!!!
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