So many things in my heart right now...

She is in her last moments and all of her 10 children and many grandkids and great-grands are there with her. I will miss my grandma, but I will see her again :)
Some of the memories I have of my grandma are from real little. Every time I would come see her she would have some kind of fruit for me because she knew how much I loved to eat fruit. She didn't only raise ten children, but raised many, many grandkids and great-grands. She loved children and loved being surrounded by them. She liked to dance and we had our last dance together this past Christmas when we were in Honduras. She had a great sense of humor! She was so funny :)
Abuelita, I love you and I will miss you so much! Nos vemos en el cielo :)
note: My grandma actually went to be with the Lord yesterday at about 2:40 p.m. Please pray for all of our family.
I have been praying for you and your family. I am happy that your grandma is now with our Jesus. What sweet pictures those are of her! I can't wait to meet her. Love you.
My grandma is going through possibly her last moments. Your grandmother is enjoying Jesus. I will pray for your family knowing you miss her.
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