What are you passionate about?

In college and for the longest time I struggled with this question. You know, I was never the "best" at something. I could do a lot of things but I was not truly really good or passionate about some specific thing. I knew that I was passionate about the Lord, His Word and His kingdom. I love Him so much! For some reason I struggled because beside this, not to diminish my love and passion for God, but I felt like I had not much to offer others.
As I became a wife I started to see some of my passions more clearly and as I became a mom I definitely started seeing why God created me. He created me mostly for Himself and for His glory and now with my two roles I am so completely satisfied!
I love my husband and daughter and more than anything I love that the Lord has given me a passion for them...to be an excellent wife and mother. I was sitting one day all by myself and it was then that my question was answered and felt a true and deep joy within me that I was doing what God wanted me to do. Stay home with my daughter and take care of a hungry husband :) who will eat anything I make (that'a bonus:))
I thought, I love and am passionate about cleaning and making this house a home where my husband can come after work and feel happy and at peace (an oasis) and I love making goodies and yummy things. I love to cook and I love keeping my house clean and organized. I love staying at home! I really do. I hate it when I am busy and can't enjoy the quietness of our home. I love staying at home and keeping busy at home. I like making memories for my little girl...I started a scrapbook for her (which I have never made before and never thought I would) but I made it because I wanted Rebekah to look back to her first year with us and to see in picture (and in this scrapbook that I made with so much love) how much we loved and enjoyed her. I did a little b-day party for her and I enjoyed it throughly. I did not want it for it to be fancy, but mostly I wanted it to be special and celebrate with our family and close friends this wonderful year we had with her. I also love when I try new recipes and my husband always says, "you are the best cook" and this makes me want to try more and new things. I enjoy having people over and get to know them in the privacy of our home. Matt and I both love that and we try to have someone over at least 2 or 3 times per month. I enjoy preparing for it and getting out our nice entertainment stuff and making it nice for our guest. I see it as a blessing that we can do this for someone else. I also love being silly and crazy with Matt and Rebekah...I get myself so wrapped up in it sometimes that Matt probably thinks I have gone nuts or something, but the constant giggle of my little girl and Matt just makes all the difference and I can go on and on and on.
We have talked about homeschooling and I feel that this is what we are supposed to do and I am already praying and asking God for direction on that. I am so excited and look forward to doing this with my kiddos. I know that it will be challenging at times, but when you have the conviction that this is what you need to do, I know God will help you through it as well. I am so excited!
So, I just told you what I am passionate about....how about you? What are you passionate about? What fills you with joy?
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