God is faithful!

It is neat how when you seek God for direction, He is faithful to lead us. As Matt and I raise Rebekah there are many times that we don't know how to handle different situations. We pray a lot every day for the Lord to lead and give us wisdom and discernment to raise Rebekah. More than anything we want to raise children who love God and who glorify Him in everything. This is not easy in this day and age that we live in, but we are called to live at a much higher standard than this world and it starts with us. As we immitate Christ, then our children can follow our example and be Christ-like as well.
Rebekah is at a stage right now (she will be one one year old in about a 3 weeks) that she gets frustrated and upset sometimes and it is hard for us to convey to her, or vice-versa, what we want from her. We have been talking and praying about this.
This morning we went to the library to do storytime together and there was a 15 month old little girl in from of us. She kept signing back to her mom and I was truly impressed with her ability to communicate. We have been teaching Rebekah some sign language and it has truly helped a lot! She can say about eight Spanish words as well plus the sign language she has learned has helped too. As she is getting older though, we all need to communicate better!
I talked to this mom after the story time and I told her how impressed I was by this little girl. She told me that she has loved being able to communicate with her daughter because this little girl has not thrown hardly any tantrums because she is able to communicate better and so she understands what she needs or wants. She told me about some videos to check out at the library - Signing Time.
I checked one out (they only had one out of 13 videos available) and I just got done learning so much!!! It was an awesome video. As I was watching it I felt like the Lord truly answered our prayers about wisdom and direction. I am excited for Rebekah and for us :) I will keep you posted on our progress. If any of you have anything to add, would you please share some thougths as well. I am all ears!
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