Part 2: El Sur

We then saw a sign that said Playa something and before we could say, ¨HOLY FRIJOLES!¨my dad had made the dreadful turn unto the bumpiest road of Central America...No joke! There were HUGE boulders, potholes and cows and we only saw one or two cars struggling to get out. All of this delighted my dad as we all bounced and bumped along waiting for a tire to blow out that my dad said Matt would be the one to change :) Through all this Rebekah surprisingly did not wake up. After what seemed like an hour of creeping along we finally made it to La Playa. My dad was ready to get in the water but with Rebekah and Matt. It was actually a pretty nice beach, but I am not sure it was worth all the sacrifice. After a short swim, we made the bumpy ride to the main road and we again thought we were headed for home.

But oh no, my dad still had to get another plate of Curiles and watch the final soccer game of the season at his usual stopping point :) Under much protest from the women, we still stopped to watch the second half of the game. Rebekah just crawled around and was content and that was a blessing. As we watched the game, we saw a lizard hunting a insect on the wall above the tv. Believe me, this was the place to be ;)
It was dark by the time we were leaving and Matt decided to take driving lessons from my dad and drive us the rest of the way home. Knowing how dangerous those roads were and how inexperienced Matt was at driving in Honduras made me almost puke and it improved my prayer life! He did great though and later told me there was a huge spider crawling across the dashboard trying to distract him...and that improved his prayer life ;)
When we were almost home Matt had to find El Baño and my dad wanted some food, so we stopped at a road side comedor (small diner). Matt had to go twice that time in less than sanitary conditions and was getting used to the phrase, ¨no hay papel¨which means there is no toilet paper and when he asked for napkins, he got two really thin ones :)

We finally arrived to our longed-for home and bed where we put Rebekah down and Matt headed for the bathroom, which is where our story began :) Matt had a rough night and two more days of recovery. He was so weak for those couple of days. However, he is quite the trooper and continues to enjoy the Honduran food. He is a blessing to my family. They have accepted him as another odd addition to the clan :)
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